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What to get the woman that has everything? Every year, finding the perfect Mother’s Day gift is a struggle. If your mom is anything like mine, she just buys anything she wants for herself. So I sit at the store thinking… Is she even going to use this? Should I even waste my money? Five minutes later I find myself at the cash register paying for said gift, still unsure if I should even be buying it. My mom opens it all “Awww thanks, I love it!” but it’s still sitting in her closet a year later with the tag on it.

BUT NOT THIS YEAR! Here is an easy DIY project to make the perfect Mother’s Day gift that your mom will not just love, but actually use.

So here are all the supplies you will need to complete this project:


  1. Simply wipe your mug clean to make sure there isn’t any dirt or sticky adhesive on the mug.
  2. Stick your letter anywhere on the mug. You don’t have to use just one letter, get creative and put her name or even a monogram if you’re feeling really ambitious.
  3. Start going dot crazy. You can use one color or you can use the whole damn rainbow. Just make a lot of dots by the center of the letter and taper them off towards the outside of the letter.
  4. Wait a few minutes and peel the sticker off. If you use thick scrapbook stickers like I did, chances are your mug will look like mine did below when you peel the letter off. If you do have any residue or think you went too dot crazy in some areas just take a damp Q-Tip and carefully wipe the excess paint off using a little bit of pressure.
  5. Now let your mug sit for AT LEAST 24 HOURS before putting it in the oven and baking it at 350° for 45 minutes. I was so excited to make my first mug that I let it sit overnight and the next morning I popped it in the oven and after two washes the paint started to come off, so be patient!

 Now fill the mug with some of your moms favorite goodies and I can assure you she will be drinking her coffee out of it come Monday morning!

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