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May 2018 Wallpapers

may 2018 calendar wallpapers

I have been doing some thinking and need your opinion! I currently create my wallpaper post usually on the last day of the month so when it’s the first of the new month, new wallpapers are up. What I have come to find is that some websites don’t publish their wallpapers until the first or after the first of the month, which means that I missing lots of great wallpapers on my monthly post! Sometimes I remember to add new wallpapers after I publish but let’s be honest, life gets in the way so I forget to do this most of the time. With that being said, would you all prefer me to wait until there are more wallpapers (most likely I would post on the third of the month) or keep posting on the first of the month?
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Also, if you haven’t found the perfect gift for Mother’s Day, check out my DIY Mug. Not only is it affordable but it’s super easy to make! I’m in New York City so if you have any recommendations or must do’s for the city, comment them below! Don’t forget to follow my travels on Instagram!

If you want to see my latest wallpaper post, click here!

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may 2018 calendar backgrounds

Oh So Lovely Ι Wazz Publishing
Mel Armstrong Design Ι Uppercase Designs

may 2018 calendar backgrounds

May Designs
Smashing Magazine

may 2018 calendar backgrounds

Designer Blogs Ι Inkstruck Studios
Eva Shorey Ι Kelly Sugar Crafts

Candidly Keri
Ivanka Trump

Every Tuesday Ι Flipsnack
Apartment 406 Ι Lovilee

Minding My Nest Ι Stylish & Co.
Sarah Hearts Ι Mospens Studio

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