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Bone Broth Diet Week 2 Recap


Here is my Bone Broth Diet Week 2 Recap! If you want to catch up and see how my first week went, check that out here! Or if you want to skip to my Bone Broth Diet overview, click here! Or if you would like to read about all of my diet experiences, visit here!

Day 8
So I’m a third of the way done and I’m feeling really good. I’m not as tired and groggy and I think I’m 100% over the carb flu. My skin’s not breaking out as much, I’m not as foggy headed and I don’t have a headache. Tomorrow I’ll be fasting and I’m a little nervous about that considering my first fast took me almost an entire day to get back to normal. But I’m going to listen to my body and if I feel like I need to eat something I’m going to.

Day 9
Today was a fasting day and even though it was easier than my first fast, it was definitely not easy. There was a peanut butter chocolate cake and mini fruit tarts at work today and not only could I not those treats but, I also couldn’t eat period. I seriously could not get the peanut butter scent out of my nose and my god I love peanut butter. So this time instead of going to bed starving like I did my first fast, I decided I would eat something after 24 hours. I ate dinner around 7:30 at around the 25 hour mark. It wasn’t a very big meal, just some chicken, sweet potatoes and a banana. My stomach feels really full and I think I’ll feel much better tomorrow than I did the day after my first fast.

OMG, look at that cake and those M&Ms 

Day 10
I’m not sure if it’s the cold weather or this diet but I have not been sleeping well for the last week. I’m not really tired during the day but I keep waking up throughout the night which is making me grumpy when I wake up and then I get even more grumpy when I realize I can’t have a donut. But tomorrow instead of fasting from dinner to dinner I’m going to try lunch to lunch and see if that’s easier.

Day 11
Alright so maybe lunch to lunch wasn’t the best idea. I’m about to go to sleep and I already had a cup of bone broth and I’m still kind of hungry and I can’t eat anything. The last time I went to bed this hungry I had a hard time falling asleep because all I could think about was food and I have a feeling the same thing is going to happen to me tonight. On the brightside, I had a really good lunch at this place called Fresh kitchen. If you live in the Tampa or st. Pete area check it out!

Day 12
Unfortunately, I was right and it took me forever to fall asleep last night because I was hungry and I kept waking up throughout the night. You can only imagine how great of a mood I was in this morning when I realized I couldn’t eat anything. Oh and did I mention someone brought in donuts and bagels to the office? Thank god for Butterscotch Blondie tea, same as the real thing right? After I had some bone broth, I wasn’t as hungry anymore. I didn’t make it to the 24-hour mark, it was more like 23 and a half when I ate lunch. After I got some food in my system I felt better and I think I’m back to normal now, just really tired since I haven’t been getting good sleep.

Gimmie all the Tazo dessert teas!

Day 13
I didn’t work out today but I did organize my pantry and threw away expired food and food that I shouldn’t be eating…with the exception of pasta because everyone loves pasta. I also went to Target and found some cinnamon bun Larabars, my new jam! If you haven’t already tried them, please do!! It seems like trips to Target aren’t as much fun when you can’t peruse down the food isles looking at new stuff but I did manage to pick up a box of Kodiak Cakes pancake mix, to try post Bone Broth diet obviously.

Of course, I immediately opened the box once I got in the car.

Day 14
We are at the 2-week mark, thank God. I had a headache most of the day and I wanted to go on a bike ride but I just felt so tired and my head hurt so I tried to take a nap instead and that didn’t work out. Went to sleep early tonight and I’m going to go to the gym tomorrow ( my first time since starting this diet.) I’ve done cardio on this diet but I haven’t lifted weights, actually I haven’t lifted weights all year so this should be interesting. After I eat dinner I’m going to fast and hopefully the next day I’ll be okay.

Read about my last week on the Bone Broth Diet here!

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