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Free Valentine’s Day Themed Wallpaper

valentines theme wallpaper

Well, we survived the first month of a new decade and now we’re counting down the days until Valentine’s Day (or is it the day after since all the Valentine’s Day candy will be 50% off)! Not sure about you guys but I have had an incredible first month of 2020 and I am so excited to see what is to come this year. I’ve been keeping up with all of my New Years Resolutions, I could probably try a little harder with the whole less clothes, but baby steps people. I have been reading way more, exercising regularly, and I am all settled in my new job!

Plus the Superbowl is right around the corner and I am so excited to watch all of the commercials. If you didn’t know, I work in marketing so I love all things advertising and the Superbowl is like the holy grail of advertising spots. I also like to go all out with desserts for the Superbowl so if you are looking for some cute football-themed desserts for your Superbowl party, check out my Superbowl Desserts blog post!

I also recently shared my experience with Sweetkick, so be sure to check that blog post out here! If you have never heard of Sweetkick, they have a 14 Day Sugar Reset Kit that helped me kick my sugar addiction. If you have someone special in your life, or just want an excuse for a DIY Gals night, check out my DIY Valentine’s Day Cards blog post. There are some super cute, and easy, cards you can make that are perfect for Valentine’s Day.

For the February 2020 wallpaper, I went with a Valentine’s Day themed wallpaper because I love hearts and when I saw the heart sprinkles, I couldn’t resist. I hope you enjoy this month’s free wallpaper and if not, check back on February 1st for my February wallpaper round up! I hope you all have an amazing February!


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