• BLOG,  Wallpaper

    December 2016 Monthly Wallpaper

    Happy December everyone! This year has flown by- it always does. This year we put up our Christmas tree before Thanksgiving because I seriously couldn’t wait any longer. If you have visited my blog before you know that I LOVE sweet treats and themed parties and that is basically all December is, ONE BIG SWEET CELEBRATION! It’s the perfect excuse to bake yummy cookies, buy presents and spend time with those you love. Here are my monthly wallpapers for December, there are soooo many good ones this month! Some blogs like Smashing Magazine and Clara Bour created more than one wallpaper so be sure to click through all of them! I’ll…

  • BLOG,  Wallpaper

    November 2016 Monthly Wallpaper

    I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Can you even believe the holiday season is in full swing?! I am so excited about Thanksgiving and all of the tasty food, especially green bean casserole! Later this month I’ll be sharing my favorite pie recipe (it is always a huge hit for Thanksgiving) so keep posted! 🙂 This month I’m doing something a little different with my monthly wallpaper post. Since some blogs post their wallpapers after the first of the month, I will be updating this post with more wallpapers as they get posted on the other blogs. This way you guys won’t miss out! In the meantime, enjoy what I have…

  • BLOG,  Wallpaper

    October 2016 Calendar Wallpapers

    I seriously can’t believe it’s already October and in three short months, it will be the end of 2016!! October is one of my favorite months. I love the cooler temperatures, the cinnamon and pumpkin flavors everywhere and of course, HALLOWEEN! Who doesn’t love dressing up and eating tons of candy? Here are some new calendar wallpapers for the month of October! Enjoy! If you want to see my latest wallpaper post, click here! Clarabour Ι Sarah Hearts May Designs Ι Rae Ritchie Blushed Ι Dawn Nicole Apartment 406 Ι Red Stamp Mel Armstrong Ι Smashing Magazine Designer Blogs Ι Kaylie Jay Blog Market Ι Sugar Paper Minding My Nest Ι Mospen Studio Pish and Posh Ι Uppercase Designs Flipsnack Ι Sea of Atlas

  • BLOG,  Wallpaper

    September 2016 Calendar Wallpaper

    As I was walking through Publix this past weekend, I noticed Pumpkin Spice flavored items making their way on to the shelves. That only means one thing: IT IS OFFICIALLY FALL, GUYS! I know… technically, September 22 is the first day of fall, but since all these cinnamon, apple and pumpkin flavors are making an appearance, it’s basically fall! With a new month come new wallpapers! I was surprised I didn’t see more fall themed wallpapers but there are still a ton of good ones nonetheless! Enjoy! If you want to see my latest wallpaper post, click here! Beauty and the Chic Ι Gretchen Berry Designs Red Stamp Ι Shannon Kirsten…

  • BLOG,  Wallpaper

    August 2016 Calendar Wallpaper

    I hope everyone has had a great summer! I seriously can’t even believe it’s already August, where does the time go?! Since it’s the first of the month, I’m bringing you some new wallpapers for the month of August, enjoy! If you want to see my latest wallpaper post, click here! Pish and Posh Ι Beauty and the Chic Ι Apartment 406 Designs Ι Noted The Blog Market Ι Blushed Design Ι Flipsnack Ι Clara Bour Dawn Nicole Ι Grace and Serendipity Ι Going Home to Roost Ι Ivanka Trump Lilly and Val Ι May Designs Ι Mel Armstrong Ι Minding my Nest Moira Fuller Ι Salt Design Ι Rather Luvly Ι…