• BLOG,  Wallpaper

    March 2016 Wallpaper Round Up

    I have a friend in my graduate program who always has the cutest monthly wallpapers on her laptop. I was so inspired (and a little envious) of her trendy wallpaper that I went in search of my own monthly themed wallpaper. I’ve searched near and far to bring you 27 inspiring wallpapers for the month of March. Now all you have to do is pick one…or seven. Enjoy! Here’s a tip- download your favorites and create a background slide show that changes throughout the day. That way when you’re sitting in your cube, staring at your computer screen at 3pm you get a change of scenery and will gain enough motivation to finish the…

  • BLOG,  Career

    Eight Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Pop

    LinkedIn is a great resource when it comes to building your network, finding a job and showing off your accomplishments. With over 414 MILLION users, it’s important to make your profile stand out from the rest so you can land your dream job. Here are 8 tips to make your LinkedIn profile pop! Customize Your URL Customizing your URL makes your profile look more professional and makes it easier to share. Put it on your resume, put it in your email signature, put it on your business card, put that shit on everything. To change your URL simply sign into your account > view your profile > click on the settings icon…

  • BLOG,  DIY

    DIY Valentines Day Cards

    You know what makes crafts ten times more fun? Alcohol and your girlfriends! I’ve rounded up ten easy DIY Valentines Day cards you can make for your man-and when I say easy, I mean easy enough a drunk girl could do it. Seriously. So round up your gals tonight, grab some wine and cheese, put on The Notebook and craft away! Wax & Watercolor, Style Me Pretty This card is incredibly simple and all you need are some white crayons, paper and watercolor paint. 2. You Blow Me Away, Lauren Conrad This card is easy to make, and who doesn’t love a good pun? 3. You Are The King of My…

  • BLOG,  Lifestyle

    The Inspiration Behind Blazers and Blue Jeans

    I love helping others. Whether I’m helping someone find the perfect outfit for a special date or helping a friend spruce up her resume to land her dream job, I love making others feel confident. I wanted to create a place where I could do just that: a place to share my experiences, ideas and advice… a place where I could share fashion ideas, DIY projects, tasty recipes and career advice. Above all else, I wanted to create a place that inspires others. Welcome to Blazers and Blue Jeans- a place for the fashionable, ambitious, professional gal who wears blazers to work during the week and blue jeans to Sunday…