So back in August I completed the Whole30 and I have been meaning to write a blog post about my overall experience but of course, life got in the way. My bad! I journaled how I was feeling throughout the whole experience (check them out here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, and the Reintroduction Phase) but, I wanted to dive deeper into some of the things I liked and didn’t like and if I would ever consider completing this miserable diet ever again. Or if you would like to read about all of my diet experiences (including the Bone Broth Diet and Keto Diet), visit here! So Why…
Whole30 Reintroduction Phase
I seriously can not even believe that I completed the #Whole30. Six months ago, if you would have told me that I would be able to survive a month without sugar, dairy, and bread, I would have laughed in your face. Yet here we are and I still find myself laughing. I am only laughing because I was so miserable during the Whole30 and didn’t actually accept how awful my life was until like day 27. If you want to read my weekly recaps check them out here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4. Originally when I was planning my Reintroduction Phase, I was going to spread it…
Whole30 Week 4 Recap
The end of the #whole30 challenge is near and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Thank god! I know this post is a little delayed but thanks to Hurricane Irma, I have been a little preoccupied and I just rejoined the world wide web this morning thanks to a 5 day no internet cleanse (thanks Spectrum!) In case you missed my first post on my #whole30 challenge, read it here, if you want to read my week 2 recap, read it here or if you want to read my third week of misery, catch it here. Read the last week of my Whole30 journey below! Or if…
Whole30 Week 3 Recap
I am past the halfway point of the #whole30 challenge and I am still counting down the days until I can eat peanut butter, bread and ice cream (in moderation of course). In case you missed my first post on my #whole30 challenge, read it here, or if you want to read my week 2 recap, read it here. Read my Week 3 recap below! Or if you would like to read about all of my diet experiences (including the Bone Broth Diet and Keto Diet), visit here! PART 2- WEEK 3 Day 15 Woke up with a headache this morning, I think it’s from not drinking enough water and going to…
Whole30 Week 2 Recap
In case you missed my first post on my #whole30 challenge, read it here! Lets just say that overall, week two was no walk in the park. Even though my body wasn’t hurting as much, I still missed sugar…and bread….and peanut butter…and oatmeal…I mean the list goes on. Read my week 2 recap below! Please enjoy and live vicariously through my misery. Or if you would like to read about all of my diet experiences (including the Bone Broth Diet and Keto Diet), visit here! PART 2- WEEK 2 Day 8 So I know you are not supposed to weigh yourself on Whole30 but I couldn’t help it. I needed some sort…