Here is my Bone Broth Diet Week 2 Recap! If you want to catch up and see how my first week went, check that out here! Or if you want to skip to my Bone Broth Diet overview, click here! Or if you would like to read about all of my diet experiences, visit here! Day 8 So I’m a third of the way done and I’m feeling really good. I’m not as tired and groggy and I think I’m 100% over the carb flu. My skin’s not breaking out as much, I’m not as foggy headed and I don’t have a headache. Tomorrow I’ll be fasting and I’m a…
March 2018 Wallpapers
How is it already March? I feel like January went by super slow and February just flew by! Here are my wallpaper picks for March. There’s lots of green (for St. Patrick’s Day obviously) and floral, groundbreaking (Devil Wears Prada reference.) Don’t forget to check out my St. Patrick’s Day Treats post with some cute and easy St. Patrick’s Day themed treats! If you want to see my latest wallpaper post, click here! Lovilee Ι Eva Shorey Rae+Lilly Ι Minding My Nest Oh So Lovely Kelly Sugar Crafts Ι Rae-Ritchie Wazz Publishing Ι Inkstruck Studios Apartment 406 Designs Ι Every Tuesday Mel Armstrong Design Ι Ivanka Trump Flipsnack Ι Red Stamp Sarah Hearts Ι Uppercase…
Bone Broth Diet: Week 1 Recap
So after binge eating my way through the holidays, I severely needed to detox my body. I already tried the #Whole30 (you can read about that experience here) and wanted to try something new. There are so many different kinds of diets and detoxes, and everybody’s body is different so I wanted to see if I could find a diet that worked better for my body than #Whole30. I had already been drinking bone broth almost every day since August and a coworker had told me about Dr.Kelly Anne’s Bone Broth Diet so I figured why not give it a try. You basically eat Paleo five days out of the week and…
February 2018 Wallpapers
Happy February! I know I say this every month but, January flew by. It seems like Christmas was just last week. I hope you all are sticking to your new year’s resolutions, I have for the most part. I completed the 21 Day Bone Broth Diet this past week (stay tuned for my diet diary and review next week!) and started listening to audiobooks on my work commute and let me tell you, GAME CHANGER. Now I actually don’t mind sitting in traffic! Enjoy my wallpaper picks for February and if you haven’t read my Guys and Gals Valentine’s Day Gift Guide, check it out! If you want to see my…
Valentines Day Gift Guide
Valentine’s Day is a tricky holiday. Maybe you aren’t dating anyone so you despise the holiday or maybe you are single AF or maybe you’re broke from the holidays. If you’re anything like me, you love all holidays, even the stupid made up ones, and will find any excuse to buy that important person in your life gifts. Even when my close girlfriends weren’t dating anyone I would still buy them a sweet gift because who needs a man?! Here are some of my favorite Valentines Day gift ideas. Spend as little as $10 or as much as a couple hundred, there’s something for every budget! Don’t forget to check…